duminică, 14 noiembrie 2010


            Copilaria este o tara pe care o strabati fara sa-ti dai seama. Ajuns la granita, daca intorci privirea, observi peisajul, insa e deja prea tarziu.Copilaria nu se lasa zarita decat dupa ce ai trecut de ea.
            Mult timp mi-am spus ca exista numai o cale de a o regasi: amintirile. Uneori, sub efectul vointei ori al unei senzatii, memoria iti da voie sa descoperi cateva fosile.
            Cand esti copil, cele mai absurde vise par realizabile. Visezi sa fii printesa, balerina sau actrita. Desigur, gandirea este de departe ilogica la o varsta atat de frageda. Capul iti este in nori si viitorul la ani lumina departare. Incet-incet, cerul devine limpede si acum totul este clar.  Realizezi ca nu esti destul de frumoasa sau eleganta pentru a fi o printesa, si nici ochii tai nu stralucesc atat de tare pentru a putea fi o actrita. Intra in scena dezamagirea. Viata te loveste in fata si rasuflii din ce in ce mai greu.
            Spiritul copilariei vine odata cu varsta. Ca sa-l poti intelege, trebuie sa fi vizitat de mai multe ori aceasta tara in care dragostea uneste fiintele,un univers plin de dulceata, alint, cantece de leagan si brate in care sa atipesti. Sub cerul acela te trezesti la fel de fericit cum adormi, te abandonezi cu pasiune jocului, te prinzi cu totul in ceea ce faci, savurezi fiecare clipa cu intensitate. Sentimentul dominant in acest tinut calduros e increderea: nu te-ndoiesti de iubirea celorlalti, nu te-ndoiesti ca lucrurile au un rost, nu te-ndoiesti ca exista raspunsuri pentru intrebarile rostite.  
Miracolul oricarei copilarii este ca, oricat de apasatoare ar fi imprejurarile in care se petrece, sufletul copilului pastreaza o inocenta sub atingerea careia totul imprumuta ceva din farmecul unui basm. Si chiar daca, odata cu trecerea anilor, inocenta se va pierde, ceea ce ramane va fi memoria intacta a intamplarilor traite in acea vreme.


 Living in an every-day changing world, persons find themselves overwhelmed by this bewildering society. So what makes us happy in the end? The skyscrapers made of iron and glass, the enormous buildings surrounding us, or the simple things? And yes, we may get to the conclusion that we all live in a material world.
So what direction are we heading to? A world for which material things have a word, a world in which opulence and stateliness are the key aspects. And how are important are we in such a big world? Doesn't it make us feel small and insignificant? 
There are people and people, people for whom beauty stands for simplicity and gestures, who try to preserve the rests of a every different world, a very old one. 
And where is this unstoppable train taking us? This is something we'll never know, but what we know for sure is that beauty means simple.

Who are we?

Who doesn't find himself or herself looking for answers to the questions that, in a one way or another, have a word in our lives? But no matter how hard we try, you will surprise yourself in contexts that will bring up even the most hidden corners of your inner mind.
Life is full of surprises, of challenges that one has to overcome, in order to become a strong person, as at one time or another, you will find a piece of Scarlet O'Hara inside you. And always remember, in order to grow stronger, one must be weak. There comes a time when decisions are taken thinking with your mind, not with your soul; decisions that draw the line of our destiny, a destiny that will always be covered with regrets, like Catherine Earnshaw's destiny.
There is always a part of Holly Golightly in ourselves, a part which craves for the love or attention of someone, even though 'people don't belong to people'. But this facade is just a game that people who are afraid to open their hearts play.
Isn't it funny how you think you had your whole life planned, just to find that it was never ever in your hands...?